Are Children’s details also held on ChurchSuite?

Yes – where this helps the administration of regular children’s activities – such as Kids Church, Mini Church, Tot’s Church, Pathfinders, Youth Connect Groups and Friday Nite Live. Children’s groups and activities are recorded in a separate section under the direct control of our children and families and youth workers.  The ‘search for others’ function will not reveal the names of any children. However, a child’s record requires a parent contact to be entered and in this way all children’s records are linked to their parents. The parents have access to the data held on their children through MyChurchSuite and can update or amend the details as they wish. One important feature is that parents will be able to record information such as the child’s GP, any allergies or special needs. This is information we require at registration for many of our children’s activities and ChurchSuite enables parents to enter this once and routinely keep it up to date.  There are many features in the children’s module which makes it easy to administer children’s activities such as printing registers and badges, enabling parents to sign up for events through the website and communicating directly with parents.