Youth Ministry

We really value the younger members of our Church family and want to be catalysts of fun spaces where together we discover Jesus and find our gifts to impact our community.

Our youth groups are divided by age and school years:

Way-Makers (Years 6-7)

This is a buzzing youth group where we based the session around having fun, Loads of Jesus and Sweets!. We meet at the 10.45 am service at the Open Door Centre after worshiping with all the congregation at the main church building.

Pathfinders (years 8-9)

We are currently meeting in the Open Door Centre during the 10:45 am Service. this is a group where we play some games and have
a great conversation around what God is
saying to us in the bible.

ONE- OLDER YOUTH (14 Years Old +)

We meet on Sundays from 6 to 8 pm at “The Hub” in the church building. The idea is to have a space where you can be yourself as we have have a laugh, deep conversations and eat together a nice hot dinner or light the firepit for some marshmallows.

Living Room (Y7+)

Every 2 weeks we open the doors of the church hall
to play board games, table tennis, football table,
and much more! Bring £1 for entry + some cash for
some sweets at the tuck shop.

Years 7/8 from 6.00 to 7.30 pm
Years 9+ from 7.30 to 9.00 pm

Click on the banner for all the important events you need to know about!


Scan the code to get in contact with Pipe via Whatsapp


Join our parents or youth Whatsapp group to be
connected to our community and receive information
about our events and meetings! It you are interested,
scan the code to contact Pipe Figueroa, our youth worker and join!


Follow us at @ccbarnetyouth for info and live events!