“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,
according to His power that is at work in us.”
Prayer is a love relationship with God. It’s our opportunity to connect with our Creator Father God in heaven. It’s what we were created for.
Prayer is at the heart of our mission and we like to encourage prayer, not just through our regular services and Connect groups but also as we gather for prayer at midweek prayer meetings.
We have a various opportunities for prayer whether by zoom, in groups, as part of things like the ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ initiatives and regional prayer movements. Please look at details. We have a Zoom Prayer Meeting, 6.30-7am (Tuesday - Friday), please contact the office for login details. Specific prayer requests can be sent here.
Prayers for those grieving
Please click here for some resources & prayers to help those who are grieving.
These are teams of people whom we equip and train to pray with individuals at the end of or during services and we thank God for many answered prayers.