We have an amazing Heavenly Father who loves to provide for all we need.
One of the ways we can honour Him is with our finances - through our 'tithes' (10% of what we receive) and also our 'offerings'. These gifts enable the church here to serve Him better in our local ministry and in mission projects further afield.
You can give in a number of ways. Standing Order is most efficient since there are no additional costs and 100% will go to CCB.
Standing Order: You can donate by way of a banker’s order, this simplifies your giving and also makes our planning and administration easier. This also ensures CCB receives
The details you will need are as follows:
Christ Church Barnet Parochial Church Council Gen. Acc.
Barclays Bank PLC
Sort Code: 20-95-61
Account no: 40044628
Online Giving: You can make a donation online easily by simply clicking here.
Thank you
Gift Aid your giving: If you are a UK taxpayer, you can Gift Aid all your donations to Christ Church. This means that, for everything you donate, CCB is allowed to claim an extra amount from the Government on top of your donation. To enable CCB to do this, you only need to sign a gift aid declaration once and give it to us. A copy can be found here.