Our services are 9am & 10.45am each Sunday, details are below.
These are livestreamed at ccbarnet.tv & YouTube.
9am Traditional Service
A warm welcoming service with a Common Worship structure and communion twice a month. All are welcome but there is no children’s work provision at 9am. After the service we join with those coming to the 10.45 for refreshments at the back of church.
10.45am Contemporary Service
This service includes a band led worship time, prayers, talk and prayer ministry. We have communion once a month. There is a full children’s and youth work after about 20 minutes all together in the church unless it is an All Age service. There is a self-service refreshment point after the service.
6.30-7.30pm On Fire!
Monthly - 19th January, 16th February & 16th March
An hour of worship and prayer.
We’re really looking forward to seeing you!
If you have a question which isn’t answered here please do call the office or drop us an email!
What to expect?
Services at CCB are a lot of fun! We always have a time of singing, a talk from the bible, prayers (talking and listening to God) and lots of other fantastic elements of being a family worshipping God. You can play your part as much or as little as you want to.
Do I have to bring anything?
At CCB we want you to just come as you are. You might want to bring a bible but we do have plenty of bibles available and we usually project the words on the screen so no worries if you don’t!
Is there a dress code?
Definitely not. Come dressed in what you feel comfortable whether a suit and tie of Hawaiian shirt and flip flops. Be yourself!
Is there kids and youth work during the service?
Yes! We have groups for all ages 0-14.. just find someone with a blue tshirt and they will point you in the right direction.
We have a small car park at the rear of the church and you can also use the Open Door Centre car park on Sundays. These car parks are usually full 10 minutes before the start of the service, but there is plenty of parking further up St Albans Road.
Children & Youth
There are various children’s & youth groups at the 10.45 service, please see links for details.
You will be able to sign your child in at the Registration Desk when you arrive.
Children’s Work information here.
Youth Work information here.
After the service, prayer ministry will be offered in church.