Barnet CAP Debt Centre | Christ Church Barnet

Christians Against Poverty (CAP)

Barnet CAP Debt Centre

We are delighted that
The Stable, Salisbury Road have partnered to form
the Barnet Debt Centre!

The CAP Debt Centre provides vital support to those struggling with debt, large or small. The CAP team know and understand the stress of life when you are stuck in debt and they are available to provide the vital support and help you need to get your life back on track.

If you are struggling with debt please book an appointment on 0800 328 0006

Getting involved….
There are many ways you can get involved including those below. If you are interested in finding out more about any aspect of the Debt Centre please drop us an email or complete the form here.

If you would like to give financially please use the following bank details and use CAP as a reference:

Christ Church Barnet Parochial Church Council Gen. Acc.
Barclays Bank PLC
Sort Code: 20-95-61  
Account no: 40044628

Prayer Team

We want everything we do to be backed and led by prayer. We meet one evening on a monthly basis to pray and would love for you to join us. Please contact Karen to find out more.


This is a vital role. For safeguarding purposes, a Debt Coach cannot visit a client on their own, but this role is so much more than sitting in on an appointment. As the title suggests, it is about befriending clients and coming alongside them; perhaps meeting up for coffee and a chat, inviting them and bringing them along to church events and providing support where needed.

Support Volunteer

This is an important role that can bring real blessing to clients, such as baking a cake so we can provide a nice food treat at the first visit, helping with emergency food shops and assisting with filling in various application forms.


If you would like to help with fundraising to cover the costs to run the centre please do let us know.

Giving Financially

It costs £24k annually to run the debt centre and we are looking for people to stand with us who are able to give on a regular basis so that the centre can be sustainable for the long term. If you would like to give regularly through one off donations please see details above.